I'm very excited to announce the launch of my new blog "The Queenstown Chronicles"! The blog will have a student-focused goal of blogging the ups and downs of my mediocre graduate student life that is about to begin in September. I'm also trying out blogging on the Wordpress platform, so cheers to learning new things! Lemon Your Life is still alive as of right now, but I hope to focus of my Queenstown Chronicle adventures for the next 365 days.
See you over at the new blog for now :)
Taking a new perspective on the phrase, "When life hands you lemons," we offer humorous, fun and creative ways to think of your life's latest lemon. *Any similarities, references and obsessions with people or things are coincidental and not a sign of endorsement. *All posts, drawings and photos are our own words, designs, and ideas unless otherwise stated. Please do not reproduce or reuse without permission.